
Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's Tidbits

TIDBITS ... a little of this and a little of that ...
It's bad enough when your friends and family all know when your birthday is ... imagine if it made all the news shows - around the WORLD.  Today is Kate's birthday, as in the future queen of the United Kingdom - Duchess of Cambridge.  She turned 30 today.  The only thing that might be harder is if your brother-in-law is Harry who would've thrown her a big birthday bash but that wouldn't be politically correct due to the economy.  A quiet birthday celebration, with just Will, will probably be lovely!

And not to be forgotten ... Betty White turns 90 on January 17th but they celebrated it this past weekend with a big bash!  She is SO amazing!!!  I love when she does double entandras (gosh, how do you spell this word?  I tried to look it up in a dictionary and still couldn't figure it out! If you don't know how it's spelled how can you look it up? lol)
Still working on my December Daily ... now I'm waiting on more pictures to come in the mail this week.  I've completely finished Day 1 - 11.  It's going slower then I thought but am loving almost every page.  One page last night just didn't flow.  I'm accepting that every page is not going to be PERFECT!  No one will probably even notice.

This came in an email today and it's SO true!  You better believe I forwarded it!!!

PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don 't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful. 8 years of good luck if you forward.
A prayer I received in an email, I thought it was lovely and one that everyone could use:
"God, our Father, walk through my house and take away all the worries and illnesses; please watch over and heal my family, in God's name, Amen."
This thoughts seems to be coming at me from all sorts of different directions.  If you hear it once it's "interesting", if you hear it twice it makes you go "hmmmmm" and if you hear it three times it's God telling you to "pay attention"!!!
"Run away from toxic people. Instead, surround yourself with others who are positive, who support you and want you to succeed." ~ Gayle King

Do you pick a word for the new year?  Many scrapbookers are doing this and I've picked a word for the last couple of years but I haven't done it the way Ali Edwards does ... like writing about it, really focusing on the word.  My past words have been JOY, GRACE and BALANCE.  I couldn't decide on this year's word until I read a blog post about letting the word pick you.  What???!  So I continued reading and she had listed a long list of words and one did jump out at me ... CREATIVITY.  What?!!!  I'm already creative why would I need that for my word?  The more I pondered though the more it made sense because:

- I want to keep scrapbooking ALL year long, not just for a spirt
- I want to make several items for Christmas presents this year and if I don't start now I'll end up in December WISHING I'd started in January (again)
- I want to declutter my home and one way to do that is to focus on what I DO want.  Kind of like focusing on the positive result of "creating" beautiful rooms, which of course means getting rid of the clutter. I love Peter Walsh (have you watched his new show on OWN called Extreme Clutter? It's on Monday night at 9:00pm) and one of the things he asked everyone he helps "What
- The best would be to creating a quilt for each my girls

I think I've rambled on long enough.  Hope you enjoyed some of my tidbits!
